07 July 2008

Les Nuits de Fourvière (in other words, R.E.M. and Leonard Cohen come to France and play in a Roman amphitheatre in Lyon just for me!)

I am way too excited. This time tomorrow night, I'll be sitting in a Roman amphitheatre in Lyon watching R.E.M. live on-stage!!! And then (as if R.E.M. is not enough!) on Wednesday night, I will be back in said amphitheatre but this time to see Leonard Cohen!

It's all part of a big music/theatre/dance/cinema festival, Les Nuits de Fourvière, that takes place in Lyon every summer. Right now I am too keyed-up to explain in any more detail, so go have a look at the festival website if you like.

Now, before I sign off, let's recap, shall we?

R.E.M. (who I've loved since I was 16 and have already seen three times in two different countries but who's counting?) and Leonard Cohen, who, as I explained to François, is pretty much the Serge Gainsbourg of Canada. While doing my degree in Canadian Literature back in the day, I took a semester-long course in Leonard Cohen. And now I'm going to see him. In France. In a Roman amphitheatre. Really, the mind boggles, n'est-ce pas?

1 comment:

Erin {pughs' news} said...

What are the chances of these two performing in the same place, one night after the other? Unbelievable! It's like fate...
Have fun!!! (I know you will)