30 September 2008

September, wow!

September 2008 has surely been one of the busiest months of my life! I have zillions of photos to post on here and just as many stories to share with you about all my adventures over the past few weeks. In the meantime, let me whet your appetite with a few choice photos from the "September of Em"!

As you can see, I was here, there & everywhere...




and somewhere in-between...



Erin {pughs' news} said...

It's about time it was the September of Em!!!


xoxooxxoxo Congratulations and loads and loads and loads of love from Erin and the Pugh boys xoxoxo

Amanda Byrne Jungen said...

Such amazing photos. I wish I was in France. Beautiful dress and bouquet, Em. Anything else you want to say about that picture......?

the goodes said...

Nice looking couple having breakfast, eh ???

Anonymous said...

Lucky you, France is small enough! I couldn't do that in Canada ;)