12 June 2008

Cultural Difference: Appliances (or not)

So as I mentioned in my previous post about 14, rue de France, rented apartments here in France come with no appliances. Zero. Zilch. Nada. Rien. What a nuisance. But also, what fun to go shopping for shiny new things!

Last weekend, we bought a washing machine. I know, I know... the idea of carting dirty laundry down three flights of stairs, lugging it through cobblestone streets to the local laverie, chucking the right amount of euros in the machine, waiting around for the clothes to get clean, and then schlepping everything home again, up and up and up the (lovely wooden spiral staircase) may sound romantic. Please trust me. It's just one giant pain.

We also bought a fancy dancy silver fridge made by LG. (Hello, global economy... here's a Canadian girl buying a Korean fridge in France!) While looking on-line for specs on said fancy new frigo, I stumbled across "Mister Good Deal", a site selling all sorts of appliances. Joy of joys, Mister Good Deal himself made a little video praising our new fridge to high heaven. So are you ready for some French appliance salesman cheese? Make sure you wait for the wink at the end!

Moving Day #1 tomorrow... I need to be at the agency at 8:30 a.m. to sign the lease, then at the apartment to let in the delivery guys who will be bestowing upon us the power to make drinks cold and clothes clean at the touch of a button! Perhaps I'm getting old, but I'm actually quite excited about these new appliances. Whee!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Well, well, well, I guess salesmen the world over tend toward the fromage. Cute wink at the end! Is that supposed to cinch the deal?

The fridge looks good, though, and very shiny!

Have fun with the new applicances.

Love, Mom